Elephanta - the Island of Shiva

The first time I visited Bombay, I did not like many places to be honest. The people kept the roads dirty, throwed garbage all over the city. It was a very overcrowded city, as 12 million people live in Bombay.
People of Bombay making their city ugly!

                                                  The only place which I liked a lot was Elephanta caves. If you intend to go there, you can take a ferry from the Gateway of India to Elephanta, which takes an hour [11 km] to reach.

                                                          The earlier name of this Island was Gharapuri, the place where the priests of Shiva, the Gharas lived. Later, when the Portuguese arrived, a stone Elephant received them. So, the Portuguese named the Island Elephanta.
You can get ferrys from gateway to elephanta anytime!

                                                          The temple was built by the chalukyan king Pulakesin 2, but he lost against the Portuguese in a naval battle. The Portuguese damaged most of the sculptures, but some of them are rebuilt. This beautiful Island will forever remain the best place I have seen.
Idol of Thrimoorti



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